almost two decades ago, i wrote an irc bot that said the word "butt" • tef on cohost the story goes something like this 2024-07-10
Рік в тривогах – 2023 • Вадим Клименко Після релізу Spotify Wrapped зʼявилась думка спробувати зробити підсумки по тривогах та обстрілах країни, і рівно за три тижні (тобто сьогодні) стався реліз –! 2023-12-21
Safer, Not Later How “Move Fast and Break Things” ruined the world by escaping the context that it was intended for. 2023-12-07
My $500M Mars Rover Mistake: A Failure Story — Chris Lewicki Some mistakes feel worse than death. 2023-11-29
StarLink • @jwz Matt C Jackson: This image includes all of the satellites captured by my camera during less than 17 minutes of shooting. I originally planned to include all of the satellites from a 3-hour timelapse, but after painstakingly masking satellites into images for about 6 hours, I had gotten through less than 17 minutes' worth of images. Each image in the timelapse series was 2.5 seconds, iso 5000, 2023-09-07
What Are Dreams For? • The New Yorker Converging lines of research suggest that we might be misunderstanding something we do every night of our lives. 2023-09-02
Ask Questions, Repeat The Hard Parts, and Listen • Rands in Repose One of my least favorite moments as a leader, specifically your leader, is when you ask me to make the decision. 2023-08-01
Fantasy Meets Reality • One of my favorite things to notice as a weirdo is when the good intentions of design slam into the hard reality of humans and the real world. It’s always interesting. Let’s start with … 2023-08-01